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Home Books Margaret River

Margaret River


By Frances Andrijich

The unique region of Margaret River in Australia’s south-west is captured with charm and intimacy through the lens of Frances Andrijich.

Frances is one of Australia’s finest photographers whose work features in national and international magazines such as Time Magazine, Harper’s Bazaar, Gourmet Traveller, Australian Geographic, Vogue and the Weekend Australian Magazine.

Her latest book explores the natural beauty and daily life of the place that has become her second home.

ISBN: 9781925816488
Dimensions: 24x25.5cm
Pages: 144
Publication year: 2013
Publisher: Fremantle Press


About the author:

Frances Andrijich is one of Australia’s finest photographers. Her extraordinary images, whether captured in the townships of South Africa, the Croatian countryside or Indonesian slums, have earned her a growing national and international reputation. An active member of ACMP, Frances is the recipient of numerous awards. She exhibits regularly and has published 11 books.
